Why Choose Sublimation Printing Clothes Over Others

Sublimation clothing is referred to those clothing items made of fabrics that can easily absorb the whole design from a special kind of paper when both the paper as well as the fabric passes through a heat press under temperatures between 175 and 230 degree C. Though almost any fabric can do but the best fabrics for sublimation are usually considered to be polyester fabrics both virgin and recycled.

A prestigious sublimation clothes supplier in Canada brings a stunning assemblage of attractive and vibrant sublimated clothes worth buying!

Sublimation clothing is trending heavily nowadays and for a good number of reasons.

Ultimate comfort

As the dye is not on the surface but in the fibers, it will never feel like you are carrying something on your shirt which can easily be the case with the screen printed or heat press printed garments. For the same reason, dye sublimation prints will never increase the stickiness of your clothes so more comfort is there.

Best color retention

When sublimated, due to the way ink penetrates the polyester fibers, color retention of dye sublimation can last for almost 10 years. As the sublimation printers use CMYK inks, the colors come out to be very vibrant allowing the best color range. The print on the clothing items too never cracks as the colors are transferred directly in the fabric rather than on the fabric.

Uninterrupted breathability

If you compare dye sublimation printing with ordinary ones, sublimation doesn’t obstruct the moisture wicking properties or airflow of polyester fabric as it is not a layer of dye slapped across the fabric. It offers breathability to the wearer. It is rather a way to make the dye one with the fiber.

Endless design opportunities

There are a great number of reasons for this. As stated before once, dye sublimation printing makes use of the CMYK inks which means that all kinds of colors are available including Pantone. Even fluorescent colors are available nowadays. As sublimation calenders are wide enough to transfer the design on bigger surfaces, the dye sublimation printing technique can be used on a number of accessories as well.

As a business owner if you wish to access trendy and top notch quality sublimated clothes then you must connect with a distinguished sublimated clothes supplier in Canada.